Samsung lanserer telefon som kan teleportere gjenstander. Neida, men vi har bedt ChatGPT skrive en fiktiv artikkel

Galaxy Teleporter er Samsungs nye telefon med innebygget teleportør. Ikke i virkeligheten, men i en historie skrevet av den nye maskinlæringsmodellen ChatGPT. Roboten svarer på det du spør om og kan til og med skrive kode på en måte som virker så naturlig at man nesten skulle tro den hadde en form for bevissthet. I alle fall har den humor. Vi ba ChatGPT om følgende:

Write a news article about a fictive Samsung phone that can teleport things to other places:

Samsung has unveiled its latest smartphone, the Galaxy Teleporter, which has the ability to instantly transport objects to other locations.

The new device, which was unveiled at a press conference in Seoul, uses advanced quantum teleportation technology to transfer objects from one location to another without the need for physical transportation.

According to Samsung, the Teleporter is capable of transporting objects as large as a small car, and can even transport living beings such as animals and humans. The company demonstrated the technology by successfully transporting a live chicken from one end of the stage to the other in a matter of seconds.

The Teleporter has been in development for several years, and Samsung has reportedly invested billions of dollars in the technology. The company plans to release the device to the public in the coming months, and it is expected to be available for purchase at a price of $999.

The announcement of the Galaxy Teleporter has generated a lot of excitement among tech enthusiasts and consumers alike, with many hailing it as a game-changing technology that has the potential to revolutionize transportation and logistics. However, some experts have raised concerns about the safety and potential misuse of the technology.

Samsung has assured the public that the Teleporter has been thoroughly tested and is safe to use, and that it will be implementing strict security measures to prevent its misuse. The company is also working on developing additional features and capabilities for the device, and has hinted at the possibility of using the technology for interplanetary travel in the future.

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